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buildings with a hundred floors,
spinning 'round revolving doors.
baby i don't know where they'll take me.

entries about chat links

Let's break away.
Thursday, June 27, 2013 // 17:09

Is this the end? Feels a lot like it.

Week 10
Sunday, June 23, 2013 // 06:17

Today is the last day of the 2 weeks holiday!!
My first holiday in NYP. :(
Played a lot, slacked a lot, ate a lot, breathed in a lot of bad air, just didn't study a lot haha.
Only did most of my studying in these 2 days (and I still have loads to go) T.T
But it will be okay I guess!
I should really go sleep now hehe.

Craving for royal pudding and oreo cheesecake :(
All the fatty stuff haiz.

New goal list! Just to leave as evidence so I will force myself a little more to do them T.T
1. Study anatomy regularly ><
2. When the haze clears, go exercise more often!
3. Try to not binge when I am upset :(
4. Stay happyyyyyyyyy :D
5. Study for all my tests and do my homework!!

Saw this on Twitter. Totally apt.
(From 9GAG)

how a
how ab
how abo
how abou
how about
how about n
how about no

Heh. Okay I should really go sleep now :)
Hope there will be more interesting things for me to talk about in the future!
And this can be my OT blog <3 p=""> May more good things happen! ^^

My heart is tired today.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 // 17:45

Either way, I lose. I have lost from the start. And maybe I just don't want to lose anything anymore, but I have already started. So I'm bound to lose something. What would it be?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013 // 20:54

2013 is a new year for many people, including me too. Everyone was busy with their uni applications, trying to think hard about what they wanted to do in future, whether or not they will like the course they are enrolling into.

What if I regret my choice? What if I don't make good friends at my new school? What if I don't perform as well as I did previously? I had these thoughts too, and they were quite scary.

Time passed really quickly, and it's June 12 already. Almost 2 months since I first enrolled myself into this course.

I feel quite amazed at myself actually, because I decided to go for a course that I thought I would never think of?

After spending time in this course, going through all the projects (and there are still more), as well as meeting my classmates and knowing them better, I think I made a good choice. Sure, this journey is going to be long and tiring, and I will always be doubting myself, my ability. And yes, I'm inferior compared to other people in this course in many many ways, even though I scored quite a lot better than them. But really, when it comes to university, qualifications do not really matter in my opinion. They just 'ensure' your enrolment into the course, and how you go from there depends on your own abilities, how you work with people, how thorough your thought process is, how careful you are, not just how you mug. (which of course I have to admit I do mug :/)

It's like, when I see my classmates, I find so many things I can learn from them. They come from different backgrounds, different schools, with different personalities of course. But what's really heart-warming is their passion to help. And it gives me this warm fuzzy feeling when I'm around so many nice people. -laughs-

But there are some times when I feel isolated. (perhaps like now?) Isolated from my old friends, because I've been busy with projects, busy spending time with my new classmates that I neglected them. Isolated from my new classmates, because no matter how close I get/try to get to them, the time we have known one another is very short, and I can't seem to just break these walls of mine to let them through. Isolated from the world in general because memories of the past keep pulling me back, despite my efforts to move forward. To move on and to accept that things that happened have happened. That I still have a long way to go with my life, and time shouldn't be wasted.

Maybe my defense mechanisms are still strong. (reminds me of psychology because I learn about defense mechanisms T.T Not sure which type this is under though ><) Maybe I enjoy this feeling of loneliness, isolation when I am alone. This sad feeling is addictive, and it gives me a shelter I can go back to. The door on the dark side is always open. -laughs-

This post is really random because I'm just typing down all my thoughts and they are not in order/are just jumping around.

I miss you. Really. I have no idea why. Is it the feeling of regret? Or guilt? Or anger because things didn't turn out the way I want them to? The broken promises. The harsh words said. The mocking laughter. They still ring in my head. Never letting me go. Of course there are the happy memories. Don't get me started. They'll just make me more confused.

I am learning to let go. To embrace the happiness I am given. To fight back the negative emotions that try to put me down.

But there will always be a spot in my heart that belongs to you. That wishes that you will come back. Wherever you are, whenever you want to. Whoever you have been, whoever you are. I can accept it, if you just come back. Back into my vision field. Back into my life.

Then again, what if this isn't love?

I guess I'll never find out the answer.

Just a random post...
Monday, September 10, 2012 // 21:10

... to see who misses me enough to come visit my old old blog hahaha.

Nostalgia makes me miss so many many things in my life. Those that will not happen again, those moments when I felt like the happiest person alive. It's a wonder how people can miss one another, and it's a wonder how these feelings can come off so strong. I'm glad for the people who are still in my life, still glad for the memories that I had, no matter how sad I feel now that I can't have them anymore. People who left, for good. People who made a difference in my life, people who spent moments with me no matter how short or how insignificant the times may seem. They will always be important to me, and I'll always remember them. I just hope that when days have gone past, the people whom I felt were important, or still are important to me, will still remember me. That will be the greatest accomplishment I can ever get.

I miss you.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 // 15:22

I miss school. I miss the days when we were young. I miss the childhood games we always play. I miss playing UNO and 205 and five stones and chess. I miss 5C4/6C4. I miss 302/402. I miss Infocomm. I miss waiting for PSLE results like it was the most important thing of my life. I miss basketball. I miss 同心居. I miss playing captain ball/bonding games with Infocomm-ers. I miss doing all the duties and events and sweating like mad running up and down. I miss setting up the PA system. I miss the Exco outings and chalets. I miss the purple star. I miss the 4th floor auntie who always give me food. I miss the drink stall uncle who always makes jokes.

I miss the times when I don't have to think about anything important.
I miss the times when I could take things for granted.
I miss the times when I wake up thinking it's going to be a good day playing with friends.
I miss the times when we studied together and nothing seemed to go in and we ended up playing and chatting.
I miss the times when C4 chiong-ed to the basketball court to play basketball right after school.
I miss the times when we spent more than 10 hours playing Maplestory and never got bored.
I miss the times when Exco was trying to talk about something important and ended up going off-track.
I miss the times when the only pain you could feel was when you fell down while playing games.
I miss the times when crying seemed to solve everything.
I miss the times when we laughed until we almost died from stomach aches.
I miss the times when the worst thing you could say to someone was 'I don't want to friend you anymore'.

Hehehe :D
Sunday, February 21, 2010 // 23:20


Haiz, there is just the bigggggg significant difference between something other ppl make ^ and I make. LOL.

:P Like like like.

Super random recently :/ But cant help smiling when I see the two of them :P:P


LOVE LOVE I'm in love
LOVE LOVE I'm in the love with you

:D:D Random lyrics from random song~

AH. NEED TO GO SLEEP ALREADY. 12 midnight is scary ==